Shichimi Gokujyou, also known as Nanami Togarashi, is a popular Japanese spice mix; consisting of seven masterfully blended ingredients. The name: "Shichimi Gokujyou" translates to "seven flavors of excellence," emphasizing the high-quality and well-balanced nature of this delicious condiment.
Add a delightful kick and a complex flavor profile to your favorite dishes with our Seven Spice mix from Yamatsu Tsujita. Excellent for a variety of recipes, this Japanese staple is ideal for enhancing the flavor of everything from soups and noodles to grilled meats, rice dishes, and so much more! Or allow your guests to customize their level of heat by serving your Shichimi as a condiment. The perfect seasoning to sprinkle on practically everything; be sure to keep a few packets around!
A popular condiment in Japan, you’ll find many different brands offering their own version of Shichimi Gokujyou. While ratios and ingredients vary slightly, the majority of offerings on the market consist of these seven elements: chili pepper, Sansho pepper, roasted orange peel, black and white sesame seeds, hemp seeds, and Nori.
This uniquely delicious combination creates a harmonious balance of flavors, offering a multi-dimensional experience you’re sure to love. The spiciness of the chili pepper, the tingling sensation of the Sansho pepper, the citrusy notes of orange peel, and the nutty undertones of sesame seeds all come together to enhance the taste of a wide variety of dishes. Try it today for an authentic taste of Japanese cuisine at its finest!