Fuji Pikurusu, more frequently referred to as pickling vinegar, is a staple ingredient in Japanese cuisine. For centuries it has featured prominently in many of the most popular classic dishes. Offering a distinctly sweet and sour taste, it enhances everything from vegetables and fruits to seafood.
Singularly delicious, the pickling vinegar produced by Iio Jozo is unlike others on the market, thanks to a masterfully blended combination of elements. Sourcing the highest quality ingredients; Iio Jozo uses brown sugar from Tanegashima, Dashi made from organic sun-dried tomatoes, organic bay leaves from Shizuoka, organic Peppercorns from Sri Lanka, and Australian sea salt processed in Hyogo prefecture.
The versatility of Japanese pickling vinegar allows for a wide range of pickling styles, from quick pickles that are ready to eat within a few hours to longer-fermented pickles that develop complex flavors over time. Japanese pickles offer a diverse array of flavors and textures, ranging from crisp and refreshing to tangy and umami-rich. They can be enjoyed on their own or used as toppings for rice dishes, added to bento boxes, or served as accompaniments to main meals.
Preserving foods and lengthening their shelf-life while adding a delicious layer of flavor makes this pickling vinegar a favorite among chefs and gourmands, both in and outside traditional Japanese cooking. An excellent base for vinaigrettes and marinades, dipping sauces, and of course, pickling brine, brighten your favorite recipes and create delicious sides and sauces with this Japanese vinegar.