Is there a condiment more essential and more versatile than premium, high-quality mustard? We don’t think so! You can never have too many types of mustards, which is why we’re proud to have such a great selection of this flavorful condiment available online at great wholesale prices. From authentic French Mustard from France (in many flavorful versions), to mustard seeds and mustard powder, we’ve got all the wholesale mustard products you need at great prices and in different formats.
1 - 28 of 31 products:
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from France
by Delouis Fils
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from India
by Gourmet Imports
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from France
by Delouis Fils
from Italy
by Casa Forcello
from France
by L'Epicurien
Indulge your taste buds with this luxurious truffled mustard from L'Epicurien.
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from France
by Edmond Fallot
from India
by Gourmet Imports
from France
by Delouis Fils
from France
by Delouis Fils
Mustard is one of the most-reached for and one of the oldest condiments in the books, and one that can never be missing from our pantries. It’s a simple condiment really, but that can have a lot of variations in flavor, texture, and also of course heat level. What is mustard? Mustard is made by combining ground mustard seeds with must, which is unfermented grape juice. However, there is a wide variety of mustard seeds, which can vary in flavor and heat. Yellow mustard seeds make the mildest mustard, while black mustard seeds are the most intense and hottest. By themselves, mustard seeds are not really that hot, but when combined with water, an enzymatic reaction occurs that frees the intense compounds that give mustard its bite. Crushed mustard seeds combined with vinegar can create a milder mustard, while those mixed with water will create a really intense mustard.
The different types of mustard we know and love also vary in flavor and intensity. Yellow mustard, one of the most popular mustard types in America, is made with yellow mustard seeds mixed with turmeric, vinegar and water, making a smooth, bright condiment that’s has a mild bite. Honey mustard, another favorite, is mustard and honey, blended together. The result is a condiment with a sweetness that offsets the mustard piquancy for a palate-pleasing result. Use it to create honey mustard dressings for salads or delicious honey mustard chicken recipes. Spicy Brown Mustard is made with brown mustard seeds, one of the spiciest varieties, and is perfect to pair with deli meats like smoked hams, roast beef and pastrami.
Dijon mustard is perhaps one of the most revered in the gourmet circles. Created in 1865 by Frenchman jean Naigeon, Dijon follows his same formula to this day. Dijon mustard starts with brown mustard seeds that are tamed with verjuice, a vinegar of sorts made from grape juice, or with white wine. Dijon is sharp, robust and intense, with a deep flavor that enhances a variety of dishes – from a simple ham sandwich to a fancy roast. What about whole grain mustard? It’s simply created with mustard seeds that have been very coarsely ground, so the seeds are whole and the texture is thick, which makes it a great pair to meats and dressings. Buy wholesale mustard online at Gourmet Wholesale for great variety, great prices and outstanding customer service.