Sevruga Caviar
Well known and celebrated for its distinct flavor, Sevruga caviar has a pronounced sweet, nutty taste with a buttery rich finish that lingers on the palate. The gourmand's delight, Sevruga is a favorite all around the world. With all the distinct flavors and characteristics caviar connoisseurs expect from a member of this elite family of fish but with a more approachable price tag Sevruga roe is the ideal addition to any high-end restaurant or wine bar menu. With a delightfully crunchy texture, Sevruga is a favorite inclusion to so many aperitifs and hors devours, bringing a surprisingly sweet and deliciously fresh taste with its characteristic pop. Browse through our entire selection of Sevruga caviar today for a delightful taste of luxury.
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from United States
by Emperior
With a bold taste and a pronounced "pop", caviar lovers prefer Sevruga!
from United States
by Markys
from United States
by Markys
Sevruga is the sturgeon family’s most widely represented member, making up more than half of all sturgeon caviar to pass through the international market. Compared to the imposing size of its cousins the Beluga and Osetra, Sevruga sturgeon is rather dainty. Its slim body only weighs up to 80kg and measures roughly 2 meters in length. Corresponding to its smaller size the Sevruga also has a shorter lifespan -up to 25 years- whereas its much older and larger relatives can reach up to 100 years of age. For the Sevruga this is an advantage. With a shorter life comes a shorter maturation period and thus an increased rate of reproduction. And so the Sevruga has come to be the most well-represented member of the sturgeon family, both in aquaculture and its native environment. This abundance of Sevruga makes it one of the gateway caviars thanks to its cheaper price tag. With all the delicious taste expected from this elite family of fish, Sevruga caviar is relatively inexpensive, making it the ideal option as an appetizer for an intimate gathering, or an exclusive event for a handful of club members. The color of this caviar ranges from yellowish-grey to deep pearlescent charcoal. The lighter and larger the roe, the more valuable and flavorful it is said to be. Taste the difference for yourself today with our delightful assortment of these truly luxurious Sevruga sturgeon caviar.