Mozzarella and Burrata Cheese
Creamy and utterly delicious, we have a wide range of fantastic Mozzarella and Burrata cheeses. From the traditional classics to smoked and truffle-infused, we have a diverse and delicious range of flavored and seasoned curd cheeses. Mozzarella and Burrata are fresh cheeses that are made quickly and should be enjoyed as soon as possible. These creamy fresh cheeses are at their peak right after they’re shaped, that’s why we take the utmost care in packaging and expediting them to you as quickly as possible. Above all we want our customers to not only enjoy the finest foods but also enjoy them at their finest! Explore all our delicious options for fresh cheese and other gourmet foods below.
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by Mamma’s Cheese
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by Mamma’s Cheese
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by Mamma’s Cheese
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by Mamma’s Cheese
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by Mamma’s Cheese
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by Villa Antica
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by Mimmo's Mozzarella
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by Di Stefano
At first glance Mozzarella and Burrata seem to be one and the same, but in fact, they are quite different. Mozzarella cheese is a type of Italian pasta filata or pulled-curd cheese, made from cow or buffalo milk. It is a fresh semi-soft cheese so it has a mild flavor and is very elastic. Mozzarella melts wonderfully, making it ideal for pizzas and pasta and all manner of cheesy gooey baked dishes. Burrata cheese is like enhanced Mozzarella. Translating to the word “buttered” Burrata is made from Mozzarella and cream. The charm of Burrata, and what truly sets it apart from its sister cheese, is what’s on the inside. Buratta’s solid outer shell is made from Mozzarella which is then filled with a combination of soft curd and cream. Milky, buttery, and smooth it is rich without being overpowering. Thanks to the way it’s constructed Burrata when sliced open, gives a truly dramatic presentation spilling out and practically begging to be eaten. So whether you require a delicious mild Mozzarella, or you’d like to add some flair to your salads or cheese boards with a soft Burrata, look no further than our tantalizing assortment of fresh cheeses.